Qisaas / Evaz / Badal

[wonderplugin_pdf src=”https://www.muhammadshaikh.com/urdu_pdf/qisaas_requital.pdf” width=”100%” height=”600px” style=”border:0;”] Qisaas – Evaz – Badal Allah / The God describes HIS rules / laws (that cannot be broken) and provides the Dos and Donts in the Quran for mankind’s guidance. Within these rules / laws include laws of Qisaas /…

Nafsiyati Zakhmon Ki Tasalli

[wonderplugin_pdf src=”https://www.muhammadshaikh.com/urdu_pdf/burai_chout_ki_nafsiati_tassalli.pdf” width=”100%” height=”600px” style=”border:0;”] Nafsiyati Zakhmon Ki Tasalli As human beings we are psychologically hurt during the course of our lives in three ways- by actions of others, by our own actions and by acts of God. This lectures highlights these three ways in…