[wonderplugin_pdf src=”https://www.muhammadshaikh.com/english_pdf/shafaat_intercession.pdf” width=”100%” height=”600px” style=”border:0;”]
In every part of the world in the context of religion intercession plays an important role. Intercession involves three parties which includes a mediator who intercedes the troubled masses who are seeking intercession and finally God who has the authority for the acceptance of intercession. In this lecture this process is described whereby only the messengers (those mentioned in the Quran) can intercede on behalf of us (the masses). How and in what capacity and for whom they can intercede and Allah / God who has the final say on whether he will accept their intercession or not. This lecture is especially educational for those people who have made individuals whom God has given no authority as their intercessors to God on the Judgment day.