Muhammad Shaikh Freely Speaking with Canadians in Toronto 2013
Here is a discussion by Muhammad Shaikh from his trip to USA & Canada in 2013 recorded in an intimate gathering at Canadian home in Toronto, Canada. The gathering comprised of local immigrant Muslims and invited local Christian guests with whom various topics were discussed. Whether you have seen Muhammad Shaikh’s lectures or not, this discussion highlights some of the most important topics on which he has delivered public lectures previously and is also available online. The topics for discussion are drawn from the general theme of the discussion, which is the singularity of Allah’s Book (Quran) in all times (past, present and future), and consequently its impact on traditional, historically based religious views held on by Muslim communities and related Judeo-Christian faith. Some of the topics include the identification and verification of the Book given to all the prophets and also the identification of Masjid Al-Aqsa and many other related topics.
- How Muhammad Shaikh Conclusively Start Reading The Quran With Understanding and Other Books As Well.
- How Muhammad Shaikh Realize What Is True And What Is False?
- How Muhammad Shaikh convince by The Book?
- There are statements in The Book Quran only written in First Person Speech and nobody can owned that words.
- Who is The One Who Continuously Dictating Mankind that I am the one Who is doing the Job?
- The First Person Speech only is to be found in the Quran.
- What is Big Bang according to the Quran as Scientist talks about The Big bang Theory?
- Ayat Discussed: Al-Anbiya 21:30
- Does the Book revealed 1400 years back?
- The Book is given to all the prophets
- The Book Is Not Restricted To Time Era.
- How can an Author write Books with different contradicting statements?
- Ayat Discussed: Al-Anam 6:83-90
- Does The Book revealed 1400 years back? (Continued)
- Ayat Discussed : Al-Anam 6:83-90, Al-Baqara 2:2
- We mankind also got the same Book without change of a dot.
- On The Day of Jugement which Book is there to judge?
- Ayat Discussed : Az-Zumar 39:69-70
- God Book is preached by all the prophets without a change of a dot.
- Ayat Discussed : Al-Ahqaaf 46:4
- The Book will revealed and unveil again and again. The Book will always remains the same.
- If anyone have the doubt come with the book like It.
- Quran word is mentioned in the book but is the word Bible mentioned in the bible?
- It is mentioned in the Quran that Jesus, Moses and all the prophets got the Book but it is not mentioned in the bible that Jesus or Moses got the Book.
- Gospel according to Mark, Mathew, Luke and John tell that Jesus Preaches the Gospel.
- What is the Torah according to Quran because People assumed that the first five book of bible is Torah?
- Ayat Discuss: Al-Maida 5:44
- Torah is revealed by God Al-Mighty not in the Bible. All the prophets governed by the Torah.
- Quran will never be the copy of the bible because the language is different.
- The Language of Quran is so unique that no human being can say that.
- How do we identify God and The Book?
- As Allah has above 100 attributes similarly this Book also have attributes.
- There is one Book of God with so many attributes.
- All scholars agrees with the attributes of The Book except three i.e Torah, Zaboor, Injeel. Scholars says that Torah, Zaboor And Injeel found in the bible.
- The Torah , Zaboor And Injeel are also in the Quran. Why Scholars are minusing the three attributes Torah, Zaboor And Injeel from the Quran?
- Biblical status is like hadees.
- What is Interpretation?
- Ayat Discussed: Al-Anam 6:89, Al-Baqara 2:53, Al-Baqara 2:2
- Who will believe the truth and follow?
- According to The Book, majority will not follow the truth only minorty will believe the truth and follow.
- There not a single verse in the bible where Jesus says I’m God. But Quran says that people will says that Christ is God.
- Ayat Discussed: Al-Maida 05:72-73
- In Bible everybody is the son of god but Quran says specifically says that people will says Jesus as son of god.
- Torah word is mentioned in the Quran 18 times and Moses (PBUH) named is mentioned 136 times.
- Mohammad (PBUH) named is mentioned 5 times.
- Who is Muslim?
- Ayat Discussed: Al-Hajj 22:78, Al-Baqara 2:128, Yaseen 36:60-62, Al-Anam 06-116
- Drawin says that man came from monkey but God says We put a man as a punishment into monkey.
- Ayat Discussed: Al-Maida 05:60
- In Quran where death penealty is mentioned? No death penealty mentioned in the Quran but it is mentioned in the Bible.
- Ayat Discussed Al-Baqara 2:178
- How can you bear witness that there is God and Mohammad (PBUH) is the messenger of God?
- Ayat Discussed: Munafiqoon 63:1, Al-Fatah 48:29
- How can you bear witness that there is God and Mohammad (PBUH) is the messenger of God? (Continued).
- Ayat Discussed: Al-Imran 3:144, Al-Ahzab 33:40, Al-Baqara 2:23-24
- Why God doing this and putting some people in poverty and why people hurts?
- Ayat Discussed: Al-Baqara 2:155, Al-Baqara 2:156
- Question ask by lady on Ayat Az-Zumar 39:69-70. How people covers the truth with falsehood?
- Ayat Discussed: Al-Baqara 2:42
- Quran says Jesus is a word of God and all christains says that but it is not written in their bible.
- Ayat Discussed Al-Imran 3:45
- Biblical Chapter John 1:1
- Question ask by a man what is your historical and language linguistics?
- Ayat Discussed An-Nisa 4:82
- Why God bring prophets on the Day of Judgment to judge people?
- If the words are not translating properly then there will be a contradiction.
- Quran is the Book which does not contradict itself.
- Quran also speak about languages.
- Ayat Discussed: Ar-Room 30:22, Ibraheem 14:4, Luqman 31:27
- Question ask by a lady Do you believe that Quran is revealed to Mohammad (PBUH)?
- Question ask by a lady Do you believe that Quran is revealed to Mohammad (PBUH)? (Continued)
- Ayat Discussed: As Sajdah 32:23, Aal-e-Imran 3:47-48
- What is the Good News?
- Ayat Discussed: As-Saff 61:6
- Biblical Chapter John 16:12-13
- Biblical Chapter John 14:16
- Ayat Discussed: Al-Baqara 2:183, Al-Baqara 2:185, At-Taubah 9:36
- Question ask by a lady Do you believe that Quran is revealed to Mohammad (PBUH)? (Continued)
- Ayat Discussed: Younus 10:37, Al-Alaq 96:01, Isaiah 29:12, Ar-Rehman 55:1-4, Al-Anam 6:19, An-Nahl 16:98
- Question ask by a lady Do you believe that Quran is revealed to Mohammad (PBUH)? (Continued)
- Lady Ask the question does Mohammad (PBUH) ascended to sky (Miraj)?
- Ayat Discussed: Al-Isra 17:1, Aal-e-Imran 3:96, At-Taubah 9:107, At-Taubah 9:109-110
- Lady Ask the question does Mohammad (PBUH) ascended to sky (Miraj)? (Continued)
- Ayat Discussed: Al-Isra 17:81, As-Saad 38:26, Al-Maida 5:27-30