Al-Harab / Jang

Al-Harab – Jang This lecture should be watched in conjunction with four other lectures (Jihad / Striving, Qatal / Killing and Rehbaniya / Terrorism and also Riba / Increase) as it brings to light the Harab  / War mentioned in the Quran and describes in…


Qatal A lecture that should be watched in conjunction with three other lectures (Jihad / Striving, Harab / War and Rehbaniya / Terrorism), this lecture clarifies the concept of killing in light of various ayats/verses where this word has occurred in the Quran and presents…

Nafsiyati Qatal

Nafsiyati Qatal As humans we are a combination of a physical body, a soul and self / psyche. The soul which itself is a combination of emotions and intellect, when combined together on any judgment becomes a “self” which then controls the body to act…