The Sacred Months

The Sacred Months A lecture that is very important to understand as it highlights the four sacred months mentioned in the Quran which are given to us by Allah for our personal character development. Most importantly this lecture also clarifies and identifies which four of…

Saum / Fasting

Saum – Fasting This is an extremely important lecture for Muslims who want to govern their lives in accordance with the Quran. Most Muslims know only one type of fasting which is observed during the month of Ramadan, while this lecture will point out various…

Jihad / Strive

Jihad – Strive For Muslims and Non Muslims alike the Arabic word Jihad is a source of controversy and confusion, mostly promoted in the media under a negative light. This lecture that has a chain link to three other lectures (Qatal / Killing, Harab /…

Physical Killing

Physical Killing A lecture that should be watched in conjunction with three other lectures (Jihad / Striving, Harab / War and Rehbaniya / Terrorism), this lecture clarifies the concept of killing in light of various ayats / verses where this word has occurred in the…