List of English Lectures and Discussions
Identify your God
01. Gods & Allah
01. Gods & Allah old
02. Devil / Satan
Chosen Personalities
11. The Vision of Abraham pbuh
11. The Vision of Abraham pbuh Old
12. The Book of Moses pbuh Old
13. Mary pbuh
15. Mohammad pbuh
Book of Allah
21. The Book
23. Torah & Gospel
24. Hadith / Event
25. The Wisdom
28. Zaboor / Psalms
29. The Languages
Know Yourself
36. Imam / Leader
38. Shia / Sect
39. Munafiq / Hypocrites
Family Life
41. Hijab / Veil
42. Marriage
43. Husband And Wife Relationship
44. Obscenity
45. Divorce
46. Parent & Children Relationship
How to Manage Money
51. Az-Zakah / The Justification
52. Ar-Riba / The Increase old
53. Wasiyat / Inheritance
Direction of Belief
61. Al-Islam / To attain peace
61. Al-Islam / To attain peace old
62. Kabah / The House of Allah
62. Kabah / The House of Allah old
68. Siraat-al-Mustaqem / Upright straight path
69. Hajj / Pilgrimage
Govern Yourself
72. Al-Harab / War
73. Al-Qatal / Physical Killing
74. Qatal-Un-Nafs / Psychological Killing
75. Terrorism
76. Consolation of Psychological Hurts
78. Mosques / Masajid