Muhammad Shaikh Discussion Two Somali Imams Red Deer Canada (2013)
Over the years from when Muhammad Shaikh first started his Islamic Dawah / Propagation in 1980’s, he has had countless interactions with individuals and groups from around the world. However, very few of these interactions have been captured on video. From his trip to USA and Canada in 2013 this is one such interaction with two Somali Imams / Leaders from local mosque in Red Deer Canada. As with any religious discussions, topics tend to change frequently, but what will be an amazing fact the viewers will see (especially those who have seen Muhammad Shaikh’s lectures) is that the message on all the topics from Muhammad Shaikh has always remained the same over all these years. The general theme of the discussion in this occasion is the singularity of Allah’s Book for ALL times (past, present and future) and the implications of that on traditional historical views on Salah / Prayer, Fasting, Hadith / Narrations and other related topics, which are typically raised by people when confronted with this theme.
- Muhammad Shaikh told about his merchant navy days
- Conversation with Christian missionary
- We read the Quran but can’t understand Arabic language
- We believe the Quran without knowing what it says
- God will teach Him, will not learn from any man
- Who will touch the spirit of Quran?
- Ayat Discussed 56:79.
- Brief discussion on sects (4 Imams).
- By which book mankind will be judge on the Day of Judgment?
- This Book is placed on the Day of Judgment & prophets are brought forward
- Our moto of life is good in this world & hereafter
- God taught Muhammad Shaikh, no man has taught him.
- Allah has made the Quran easy to remember and guidance.
- Ayats Discussed: 39.69, 2:201, 54:17)
- Take your salah/prayer/namaz from position of Abraheem pbuh.
- Ayat Discussed: Al-Baqara 2:125.
- Messenger will say his people abandoned the Quran.
- Ayat Discussed: 25:30.
- Abraheem was made the Imam/leader.
- Ayat Discussed Al-Baqara 2:124.
- Quran is the Furqan/criteria to judge everything even Hadiths.
- The standing position of Abraheem is of the Imam/leader, so we take our salah/prayers/namaz from that position (Imam/leader).
- Allah communicates to mankind from behind a veil/Hijab
- Ayat Discussed: 42:51
- Mary pbuh is chosen by Allah over all women of the worlds
- Ayat Discussed: Al-e-Imran 3:42
- Mary pbuh took the Hijab /Veil, we need to what that hijab was
- Ayat Discussed: Maryam 19:16
- After she took the Hijab / Veil Allah sent His Rooh/spirit/essence to her
- Ayat Discussed: Maryam 19:17
- When you ask prophet’s wives for any commodity ask from behind a hijab/ veil
- Ayat Discussed: 33:53
- Women’s head gear (Veil) is not in Quran it’s in Bible.
- Ahram of women and men
- Women should wear the gown
- Obvious/open parts of men and women’s body.
- Ayat Discussed: 5:6
- Women shouldn’t strike their feet so that their hidden beauty becomes obvious. Argument against covering of face and head.
- Ayat Discussed: 24:31
- When was the Quran/reading revealed?
- Quran/reading is sent down In Ramadan and the purpose is guidance of mankind, is mankind here since last 1400 years?
- Ayat Discussed: Al-Baqara 2:185
- Fasting is written on you like it was on people before you
- Ayat Discussed: Al-Baqara 2:183
- Allah has revealed the Taurah/Law in it there is light and guidance, prophets (in plural) governed by it (all the prophets)
- Ayat Discussed: 5:44
- Essa was given the knowledge of Al-Kitab/The Book, Hikmat /Wisdom, Taurah/Law & Injeel /Good news – not just injeel/good news.
- Ayat Discussed: Aal-e-Imran 3:48
- Allah didn’t He sent down 4 books
- You can’t limit Allah’s words, He through His book speaks to mankind of all times not only since last 1400 years ago.
- People of the book has to establish the Taurah / Law and the Injeel / good news
- Ayat Discussed: 5:68
- One book of Allah with many attributes, there are not different books. Allah has many attributes so does His book.
- Allah says He has not given you books that you study.
- Ayat Discussed: 34:44
- Moosa pbuh is mentioned 136 times by name and the word Taurah / law is mentioned 18 times, but not even a single time Allah says Moosa got the Taurah / law.
- 30 – 40 attributes are mentioned with Moosa’s pbuh name but not Taurah /law
- Allah will sent guidance.
- Ayat Discussed: Al-Baqara 2:38
- That is the book of guidance
- Ayat Discussed: Al-Baqara 2:2
- Allah writes before the incident takes place, not like man.
- He has to clarify what is revealed on them, which is the Quran
- Ayat Discussed: 16:44
- What does the Quran say about fasting?
- Timing of eating in drinking in Ramadan during fasting.
- Ayat Discussed: Al-Baqara 2:187
- There are two types fasting mentioned in the Quran.
- We have to fast whenever the ayahs/verses of the Quran become clear to us. When we understand the essence of the verses we need to fast, until we have conceived it completely so that we can speak about it.
- How do we learn salah / prayer / namaz from the Quran?
- Abraheem’s pbuh Dua/prayer, he left his offspring near the sacred house to establish salah.
- Ayat Discussed: Ibraheem 14:37
- We follow the religion of Abraheem pbuh
- Allah’s house is a place of guidance & Allah’s signs are there
- Ayat Discussed: Aal-e-Imran 3:96, 97
- On whom the Quran revealed?
- What is revealed on Mohammad pbuh?
- Ayat Discussed: 47:2
- Who is Jibreel/trust worthy spirit? Jibreel not an angel
- The ayah says “if” Mohammad pbuh died, it doesn’t say he is dead.
- Ayat Discussed: Aal-e-Imran 3:144